[Solved] how to retrieve MD5 password

I would use password_hash() if you running on php 5.5 or greater

When you send the password to the database simply hash it with the function

$password = password_hash(filter_input(INPUT_POST, "password"));

The when you pull the password back out of the database do the same thing to the password they submitted.

$passwordFromDb = $result['password']; //Password from the database
$passwordFromLoginForm = password_hash(filter_input(INPUT_POST, "password");

//Then when youve got the password to check it agaisnt there input

if($passwordFromDb === $passwordFromForm){
    //The password they entered was the same as the password in the database
} else {
    //The password was wrong

I have not tested this code so there may be errors but hopefully youll get the point 🙂

PS dont use MD5 please, Very insecure

If you must use md5

$password = md5(filter_input(INPUT_POST, "password"));//Store password

$passwordFromDb = $result['password']; //Password from the database
$passwordFromLoginForm = md5(filter_input(INPUT_POST, "password");

//Then when youve got the password to check it agaisnt there input

if($passwordFromDb === $passwordFromForm){
    //The password they entered was the same as the password in the database
} else {
    //The password was wrong


solved how to retrieve MD5 password