[Solved] How to remove Special character in in html

This is a string with data in JSON format.
To display one element with removed double quotation marks using PHP:

$data=""; // your JSON data here
$json = json_decode($data, true);
echo 'kind: '.$json['kind'];

With JavaScript:

var data = {
 "id": "https://www.example.com/",
 "responseCode": 200,
 "title": "",
 "score": 55,
 "pageStats": {
  "numberResources": 93,
  "numberHosts": 22,
  "totalRequestBytes": "19710",
  "numberStaticResources": 62,
  "htmlResponseBytes": "289086",
  "cssResponseBytes": "503970",
  "imageResponseBytes": "467782",
  "javascriptResponseBytes": "1279195",
  "otherResponseBytes": "202171",
  "numberJsResources": 28,
  "numberCssResources": 11
  alert('kind: ' + data.kind);
  // this will display JSON data converted to string with removed double quotation marks
  alert(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4).replace(/\"/g, ""));


solved How to remove Special character in

 in html