[Solved] How to remove \r\n in command prompt after running?

strip() can remove \r\n only at the end of string, but not inside. If you have \r\n inside text then use text = text.replace(\r\n', '')

it seems you get \r\n in list created by extract() so you have to use list comprehension to remove from every element on list

data = response.css(find).extract()
data = [x.replace('\r\n', '').strip() for x in data]
items[name] = data

EDIT: to remove spaces and \r\n between sentences you can split('\r\n') to create list with sentences. then you can strip() every sentence. And you can ' '.join() all sentences back to one string.

text="Sentence 1\r\n    Sentence 2"

data = text.split('\r\n')
data = [x.strip() for x in data]
text=" ".join(data)


The same in one line

text="Sentence 1\r\n    Sentence 2"

text=" ".join(x.strip() for x in text.split('\r\n'))


The same with module re

import re

text="Sentence 1\r\n    Sentence 2"

text = re.sub('\r\n\s+', ' ', text)


for name, find in zip(names.values(), finder.values()):
    data = response.css(find.strip()).extract()
    data = [re.sub('\r\n\s+', ' ', text) for text in data]
    items[name] = data


solved How to remove \r\n in command prompt after running?