[Solved] How to print word that you want inside a textfile?

Use readlines and output the lines according to their index.

with open('addon/entertainment.txt') as f:
    lines = f.readlines()
    for line in lines:
       print("{}. {}".format(lines.index(line) + 1, line))

    desired_lines = [3, 5]
    output = []
    for desired in desired_lines:
        output.append(lines[desired - 1])

    for o in output:
        print("{}. {}".format(output.index(o) + 1, o))

Alternatively, if you want to select lines based on an input call, replaced desired_lines with:

desired_lines = input().split(", ")
# can choose one number or multiple numbers like this: "3, 5"
output = []
for desired in desired_lines:
    output.append(lines[int(desired) - 1])

for o in output:
    print("{}. {}".format(output.index(o) + 1, o))

Note that if your input goes higher than number of lines in your text file, you’ll raise a IndexError exception.


solved How to print word that you want inside a textfile?