[Solved] How to perform an action on one result at a time in a sql query return that should return multiple results?

Use a loop to iterate through the results of your query.

SELECT EmailAddress 
FROM Customers` 
WHERE EmailFlag = 'true'` 
AND DATEDIFF(day, GETDATE(),DateOfVisit) >= 90;

Replace day with other units you want to get the difference in, like second, minute etc.


foreach(DataRow dr in queryResult.Tables[0].Rows)
   string email = dr["EmailAddress"].ToString();
   // Code to send email
   //Execute Query UPDATE Customers SET EmailFlag = False WHERE EmailAddress = email 

This is just a draft. You should replace the comments with the actual code to make it work. No need to fetch from your initial query 1 result at a time.


solved How to perform an action on one result at a time in a sql query return that should return multiple results?