[Solved] How to pass (start = date1) || (start = date2) condition in laravel

You can use where statement like the following:

$events = DB::table('christophheich_calendar_entries')
    ->where(function($q) use($date1, $date2) {
        $q->where(function($q2) use($date1) {
            $q2->where('start', '<=', $date1)->where('end', '>=', $date1);
        })->orWhere(function($q2) use($date2) {
            $q2->where('start', '<=', $date2)->where('end', '>=', $date2);

This is how to create a where clause with a inner query that handles the or part of the where. Make sure $date1 and $date2 are initialised before the query.


solved How to pass (start <= date1 and end >= date1) || (start <= date2 and end >= date2) condition in laravel