[Solved] How to move object’s entries one up?


If you are looking for a way to move object’s entries one up, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss how to move object’s entries one up in a few simple steps. We will also discuss some tips and tricks to make the process easier and more efficient. By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of how to move object’s entries one up.


The best way to move object’s entries one up is to use the Array.prototype.unshift() method. This method adds one or more elements to the beginning of an array and returns the new length of the array.

For example, if you have an array of objects like this:

let arr = [
{name: ‘John’, age: 20},
{name: ‘Jane’, age: 25},
{name: ‘Bob’, age: 30}

You can use the unshift() method to move the entries one up like this:

arr.unshift({name: ‘Mary’, age: 35});

// arr is now:
{name: ‘Mary’, age: 35},
{name: ‘John’, age: 20},
{name: ‘Jane’, age: 25},
{name: ‘Bob’, age: 30}

One option is to use a basic for loop, do some checks, then shift it onto the previous item.

const keys = Object.keys(obj)
for (let i in keys)
  if (
    typeof obj[keys[i]][0] !== 'undefined' && 
    typeof obj[keys[i-1]] !== 'undefined' && 
    obj[keys[i]][0].type === 'close'
const obj = {
  "monday": [],
  "tuesday": [{
      "type": "open",
      "value": 36000
      "type": "close",
      "value": 64800
  "wednesday": [],
  "thursday": [{
      "type": "open",
      "value": 36000
      "type": "close",
      "value": 64800
  "friday": [{
    "type": "open",
    "value": 36000
  "saturday": [{
      "type": "close",
      "value": 3600
      "type": "open",
      "value": 32400
      "type": "close",
      "value": 39600
      "type": "open",
      "value": 57600
  "sunday": [{
      "type": "close",
      "value": 3600
      "type": "open",
      "value": 43200
      "type": "close",
      "value": 75600

const keys = Object.keys(obj)
for (let i in keys)
  if (
    typeof obj[keys[i]][0] !== 'undefined' &&
    typeof obj[keys[i - 1]] !== 'undefined' &&
    obj[keys[i]][0].type === 'close'
    obj[keys[i - 1]].push(obj[keys[i]].shift())


solved How to move object’s entries one up?

Solved: How to Move Object’s Entries One Up?

Moving object’s entries one up can be a tricky task, but it doesn’t have to be. With a few simple steps, you can easily move your object’s entries up in no time. Here’s how:

Step 1: Identify the Object

The first step is to identify the object you want to move up. This can be done by looking at the object’s properties and attributes. Once you have identified the object, you can move on to the next step.

Step 2: Select the Object

Once you have identified the object, you can select it by clicking on it. This will highlight the object and make it easier to move up.

Step 3: Move the Object Up

Now that you have selected the object, you can move it up by using the arrow keys on your keyboard. Simply press the up arrow key to move the object up one entry. You can also use the mouse to drag the object up.

Step 4: Save the Changes

Once you have moved the object up, you need to save the changes. This can be done by clicking the save button or pressing the Ctrl + S keys on your keyboard. This will ensure that the changes are saved and the object is moved up.


Moving object’s entries one up can be a tricky task, but it doesn’t have to be. With a few simple steps, you can easily move your object’s entries up in no time. Just remember to identify the object, select it, move it up, and save the changes.