[Solved] How to make a Progress/Message Window where each line can be different font, size, color?

Found Alternate row color in Listbox and used Bind foreground of Textblock. Realized I needed to make a class to hold my string and color. Put that class in an ObservableCollection, and bind to the ObservableCollection.

My new class:

public class DisplayData
    public string _string { get; set; }
    public System.Windows.Media.Brush _color { get; set; }
    public int _fontSize { get; set; }


<ListBox x:Name="Progress_Window" ItemsSource="{Binding pb._displayString}">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding _string}" Foreground="{Binding _color}" FontSize="{Binding _fontSize}" />

Where pb is my local class variable in my VM.

Code in Model:

public ObservableCollection<DisplayData> _displayString { get; set; }
_displayString = new ObservableCollection<DisplayData>();
string _error = "Error Opening COM Port";
_displayString.Add(new DisplayData { _string = _error, _color = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Red, _fontSize = 20 });

solved How to make a Progress/Message Window where each line can be different font, size, color?