[Solved] How to LEFT JOIN three tables with the same column name

If the table was as follows (I’ve renamed user_id, post, and favorites columns to clarify their roles as I understand them)

|Users      |posts      |favorites  |
|id         |id         |id         |
|username   |title      |uid        |
|password   |post_text  |post_id    |
|           |uid        |           |
|           |fav_id     |           |

This sql code can be used to get what (I think) you want

SELECT * FROM favorites 
LEFT JOIN posts ON  favorites.id = posts.fav_id
LEFT JOIN users ON posts.uid = users.id
WHERE favorites.uid='$id' and posts.active=1

This should get all the details of favorite posts from the three tables for the given user id. Hope it works for you.


solved How to LEFT JOIN three tables with the same column name