This most likely won’t work since I have very little information to go on but you’re probably looking for a query somewhat like this:
`order`.orderID, menuItem.`item-name`, menuGroup.`grp-name`
JOIN menuGroup ON
menuGroup.menuGrpNo = menuItem.menuGroup
LEFT JOIN orderItems ON
orterItems.menuItemNo = menuItem.menuItemNo
LEFT JOIN `order` ON
`order`.orderID = orterItems.orderID AND
`order`.orderDate BETWEEN '2012-02-01' AND '2012-04-30'
Try to understand how this works and work it into a solution for your problem. In particular read up on the different types of joins and how to select from multiple tables.
Also, avoid using reserved keywords (such as ‘order’) for table or field names.
solved How to join multiple tables mysql