[Solved] How to implement OnClickListener of ListView items for good performance (avoiding slow scrolling)


When it comes to implementing OnClickListener of ListView items, performance is key. Poorly implemented OnClickListeners can lead to slow scrolling and a poor user experience. In this article, we will discuss how to implement OnClickListener of ListView items for good performance, avoiding slow scrolling. We will discuss the importance of using the ViewHolder pattern, recycling views, and using the right type of adapter. We will also discuss how to optimize the code for better performance. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to implement OnClickListener of ListView items for good performance.


1. Use the ViewHolder pattern to improve performance. This pattern helps to avoid unnecessary calls to findViewById() which can slow down the scrolling of the ListView.

2. Use the setOnClickListener() method on the ViewHolder object instead of the ListView item. This will ensure that the OnClickListener is only called when the user actually clicks on the item.

3. Use the setTag() method to store the position of the item in the ListView. This will allow you to quickly retrieve the position of the item when the OnClickListener is called.

4. Use the setOnItemClickListener() method on the ListView to handle the click events. This will ensure that the OnClickListener is only called when the user actually clicks on the item.

5. Use the setOnItemLongClickListener() method on the ListView to handle long click events. This will ensure that the OnClickListener is only called when the user actually long clicks on the item.

6. Use the setOnTouchListener() method on the ListView to handle touch events. This will ensure that the OnClickListener is only called when the user actually touches the item.

It’s better to use a Wrapper to access to your View and to define your OnClickListener earlier (and outside the adapter for a better usability).

The following sample show how to handle 2 clickable View on one single item of the ListView with good performance:

public class ItemAdapter extends BaseAdapter {

    private List<Item> items;
    private ItemWrapper wrapper = null;
    private OnClickListener onMyItemClickListener1;
    private OnClickListener onMyItemClickListener2;

    public ItemAdapter(Context context, List<Item> items, OnClickListener onMyItemClickListener1, OnClickListener onMyItemClickListener2) {
        this.inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);
        this.items = items;
        this.onMyItemClickListener1 = onMyItemClickListener1;
        this.onMyItemClickListener2 = onMyItemClickListener2;

    public int getCount() {
        return items.size();

    public Object getItem(int position) {
        return items.get(position);

    public long getItemId(int position) {
        return position;

    public synchronized View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        View row = convertView;

        if (row == null) {
            row = inflater.inflate( R.layout.item, null);
            wrapper = new ItemWrapper(row);
        } else {
            wrapper = (ItemWrapper)row.getTag();

        Item item = getItem(position);

public class ItemWrapper {
    private View baseView;
    private View clickView1;
    private View clickView2;

    public ItemWrapper(View baseView) {
        this.baseView = baseView;

    public View getClickView1() {
        if ( clickView1 == null) {
            clickView1 = (View)baseView.findViewById(R.id.clickView1);


    public View getClickView2() {
        if ( clickView2 == null) {
            clickView2 = (View)baseView.findViewById(R.id.clickView2);



solved How to implement OnClickListener of ListView items for good performance (avoiding slow scrolling)

Solved: How to Implement OnClickListener of ListView Items for Good Performance (Avoiding Slow Scrolling)

ListViews are a great way to display a large amount of data in an organized manner. However, when it comes to implementing OnClickListeners for ListView items, it can be tricky to ensure good performance and avoid slow scrolling. In this article, we’ll discuss how to implement OnClickListeners for ListView items in a way that ensures good performance and avoids slow scrolling.

1. Use ViewHolder Pattern

The ViewHolder pattern is a great way to improve the performance of ListViews. It works by reusing the same view for each item in the ListView, instead of creating a new view for each item. This reduces the amount of time it takes to create the views, and thus improves the performance of the ListView.

When implementing OnClickListeners for ListView items, it’s important to use the ViewHolder pattern. This will ensure that the OnClickListeners are only created once, and thus improve the performance of the ListView.

2. Use OnItemClickListener

Another way to improve the performance of ListViews is to use the OnItemClickListener. This is a listener that is triggered when an item in the ListView is clicked. It’s important to use this listener instead of setting OnClickListeners for each item in the ListView, as this will reduce the amount of time it takes to create the OnClickListeners and thus improve the performance of the ListView.

3. Use RecyclerViews

Finally, it’s important to note that RecyclerViews are a great way to improve the performance of ListViews. RecyclerViews are similar to ListViews, but they are more efficient and can handle larger datasets. When implementing OnClickListeners for ListView items, it’s important to consider using RecyclerViews instead of ListViews, as this will improve the performance of the ListView.

In conclusion, it’s important to use the ViewHolder pattern, OnItemClickListener, and RecyclerViews when implementing OnClickListeners for ListView items. This will ensure good performance and avoid slow scrolling.