[Solved] How to implement file reading and creating into a structure [closed]


File reading and creating is an important part of any software development project. It allows developers to store and access data in a structured way. This tutorial will provide an overview of how to implement file reading and creating into a structure. It will cover topics such as file types, file operations, and how to use the various file-related functions in the C programming language. By the end of this tutorial, you should have a better understanding of how to read and create files in a structured way.


The best way to implement file reading and creating into a structure is to use a combination of the C programming language and the standard library functions.

In C, you can use the fopen() function to open a file for reading or writing. You can then use the fread() and fwrite() functions to read and write data from the file.

Once you have the data in the file, you can use the C struct keyword to create a structure that contains the data. This structure can then be used to store and manipulate the data.

Finally, you can use the fclose() function to close the file when you are done.

assuming your config is splitted in sections like:

someBigText = "foo tha can be more +1000 simbols" 
isOkay = true 
myAge = 24

and assuming you are using boost:

#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/ini_parser.hpp>

boost::property_tree::ptree myPtree;
boost::property_tree::ini_parser::read_ini("config.txt", myPtree);
auto text{myPtree.get<std::string>("myImportantSection.someBigText")};
auto isOk{myPtree.get<bool>("myImportantSection.isOkay")};
auto age{myPtree.get<int>("myImportantSection.myAge")};

struct Config
    std::string text{};
    bool ok{false};
    int age{0};

Config myConfig;

myConfig.text = text;
myConfig.ok = isOk;
myConfig.age = age;

solved How to implement file reading and creating into a structure [closed]

File reading and creating can be implemented into a structure in a few simple steps. First, you need to create a structure that will hold the data you want to read and write. This can be done by declaring a struct and defining the fields that will hold the data. Once the structure is created, you can use the fopen() function to open a file for reading or writing. You can then use the fread() and fwrite() functions to read and write data from and to the file. Finally, you can use the fclose() function to close the file when you are done.

When reading from a file, you can use the fread() function to read the data into the structure. This function takes three parameters: a pointer to the structure, the size of the structure, and the number of elements to read. The fread() function will read the data from the file and store it in the structure. Once the data is stored in the structure, you can access it using the fields of the structure.

When writing to a file, you can use the fwrite() function to write the data from the structure to the file. This function takes three parameters: a pointer to the structure, the size of the structure, and the number of elements to write. The fwrite() function will write the data from the structure to the file. Once the data is written to the file, you can access it using the fields of the structure.

Once you are done reading and writing data to and from the file, you can use the fclose() function to close the file. This function takes one parameter: a pointer to the file. The fclose() function will close the file and free up any resources associated with it.

Implementing file reading and creating into a structure is a simple process. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily read and write data from and to a file. Once the data is stored in the structure, you can access it using the fields of the structure.