[Solved] How to identify the virality growth rate in time series data using R? [closed]

Although this question is very likely to get closed in the coming hours if you dont make your problem clearer, this might get you started at least:

mydf <- scan(textConnection("12376 167827  3454596 9676112 342102 1232103 546102  5645696 96767110 23423119  4577140  45435158 56767138 635435167 35443160 34534166 3213133 2132148 2342130 7656127 43234117 56545130  5645138 56455149"), )
plot(mydf, log="y", type="l")  # Gives you an overview of your time serie (with log axis)
gr <- diff(mydf)/mydf[-length(mydf)] # Gives you a growth rate between each of your values.
plot((1:(length(mydf)-1))+0.5, gr, type="l",   # Plots your growth rate
      col="red", axes=FALSE, xaxt="n", yaxt="n")


solved How to identify the virality growth rate in time series data using R? [closed]