The problem is that you’re not parsing the input to a number. So when you do currTime += 33;
, it’s concatenating strings instead of adding numbers. Use parseInt()
when you read the inputs into the variables.
var currTime = 0
var origTime = 0
var timerFunc
var a = document.querySelector('#node1')
var i = 0
var md
var sd
var msd
var freq = 33;
function button1Action() {
if (i === 0) {
origTime = parseInt(document.getElementById("time").value)
currTime = parseInt(document.getElementById("time").value)
var b = a.cloneNode(true) = 'node2'
b.innerHTML = '<h1 id="text"></h1><button id="button1" class="button1" onclick="button1Action()">Start</button> <button id="button2" class="button2" onclick="button2Action()">Clear</button>'
a.parentNode.replaceChild(b, a)
let hd = Math.floor(currTime / 3600000)
let m = Math.floor((currTime % 3600000) / 60000)
let s = Math.floor((currTime % 60000) / 1000)
let ms = Math.floor(currTime % 1000)
if (m < 10) {
md = `0${m}`
} else {
md = `${m}`
if (s < 10) {
sd = `0${s}`
} else {
sd = `${s}`
if (ms < 10) {
msd = `00${ms}`
} else if (ms < 100) {
msd = `0${ms}`
} else {
msd = `${ms}`
document.getElementById("text").innerHTML = `${hd}:${md}:${sd}.${msd}`
} else if (i >= 1 && (i % 2) == 1) {
timerFunc = setInterval(function() {
currTime += freq
let hd = Math.floor(currTime / 3600000)
let m = Math.floor((currTime % 3600000) / 60000)
let s = Math.floor((currTime % 60000) / 1000)
let ms = Math.floor(currTime % 1000)
if (m < 10) {
md = `0${m}`
} else {
md = `${m}`
if (s < 10) {
sd = `0${s}`
} else {
sd = `${s}`
if (ms < 10) {
msd = `00${ms}`
} else if (ms < 100) {
msd = `0${ms}`
} else {
msd = `${ms}`
document.getElementById("text").innerHTML = `${hd}:${md}:${sd}.${msd}`
}, freq)
document.getElementById("button1").innerHTML = `Pause`
document.getElementById("button1").style.backgroundColor = "#0000ff"
} else if (i >= 1 && (i % 2) == 0) {
document.getElementById("button1").innerHTML = `Cont..`
document.getElementById("button1").style.backgroundColor = "#00ff00"
} else {
throw "Error: i must be a positive integer or 0"
function button2Action() {
currTime = origTime
let hd = Math.floor(currTime / 3600000)
let m = Math.floor((currTime % 3600000) / 60000)
let s = Math.floor((currTime % 60000) / 1000)
let ms = Math.floor(currTime % 1000)
if (m < 10) {
md = `0${m}`
} else {
md = `${m}`
if (s < 10) {
sd = `0${s}`
} else {
sd = `${s}`
if (ms < 10) {
msd = `00${ms}`
} else if (ms < 100) {
msd = `0${ms}`
} else {
msd = `${ms}`
document.getElementById("text").innerHTML = `${hd}:${md}:${sd}.${msd}`
document.getElementById("button1").innerHTML = `Start`
document.getElementById("button1").style.backgroundColor = "#00ff00"
i = 1
.button1 {
background-color: #00ff00;
color: #999999;
.button2 {
background-color: #ff0000;
color: #eeeeee
.in1::placeholder {
color: #000e;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body id="node1">
<input type="number" class="in1" id="time" placeholder="0" value="0">
<button class="button1" onclick="button1Action()">Set</button>
solved How to have a setInterval not act like a for loop [closed]