[Solved] how to get the cross table in R? [closed]

data$sal.cat <- cut(data$salary, breaks=seq(1855, 1915, by=10), right=FALSE) 
data$ex.cat  <- cut(data$ex,     breaks=seq(1855, 1915, by=10), right=FALSE)
cbind( xtabs(~ sal.cat+ex.cat, data=data), 
       total=rowSums(xtabs(~ sal.cat+ex.cat, data=data)))

            [1855,1865) [1865,1875) [1875,1885) [1885,1895)
[1855,1865)           0           0           0           0
[1865,1875)           0           0           0           0
[1875,1885)           1           0           0           0
[1885,1895)           2           0           0           0
[1895,1905)           4           5           0           1
[1905,1915)           0           0           0           0
            [1895,1905) [1905,1915) total
[1855,1865)           0           0     0
[1865,1875)           0           0     0
[1875,1885)           0           0     1
[1885,1895)           0           0     2
[1895,1905)           0           0    10
[1905,1915)           0           0     0

I should mention that there are other approaches possible. There is a CrossTable function in one of hte contributed packages that delivers a SAS/SPSS style crosstabs output, complete with boundaries made of “+” signs. There is a base::proptable function that will turn a contingency table into either cell , row or column proportions. One can get other options with:



solved how to get the cross table in R? [closed]