[Solved] How to get an object from main form [closed]

You can pass the List through the constructor when you create your custom UI.
You also can use the load-event of the custom UI to populate the combobox.

public partial class Form1 : Form
    //I want to use these lists in the UserControl class
    List<Person> persons = new List<Person>(); 
    List<Conditions> conditions = new List<Conditions>();
    List<Missions> missions = new List<Missions>();
    Tools tools = new Tools();

    public Form1()

    // here gets some code that will create an instance of your CellUI class
    // and pass the list through the constructor whenever you like to

public partial class CellUI : UserControl
    // List to catch the List from the main form
    List<Person> persList;

    //Hand it over in the Constructor
    public CellUI(List<Person> pList)

        persList = pList;

    //Here I want to get the List<Person> object, and fill a ComboBox 
    private void CellUI_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // populate the combobox with persons

    // like - cbCellPersonsList.Add(*all the items in persons from the main form*); 
    private void cbCellPersonsList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //when index changes, change Label lblPersonName in the cusom control


solved How to get an object from main form [closed]