[Solved] How to find consecutive strings in nested lists [closed]

Is this what you’re looking for? To initialize the list with the first keyword

for row in range(len(locations_and_xy)):
    if keywords[0] in locations_and_xy[row]:
        new_locations_and_xy = locations_and_xy[row:]

Then we can do this

for i in new_locations_and_xy:
    print ([i for j in keywords if j in i])
[['Add', '1215', '697']]
[['to', '1241', '698']]
[['Cart', '1268', '697']]

To give an update on the comment, I have tried out a new list:

locations_and_xy = [
    ['to', '451', '851'],
    ['Add', '1215', '697'],
    ['Cart', '1268', '697'],
    ['to', '1241', '698'],

keywords = ['Add', 'to', 'Cart']

This may be a better approach to getting the desired output according to the keywords if the list has many other inputs.

for row in range(len(locations_and_xy)):
    if keywords[0] in locations_and_xy[row]:
        new_locations_and_xy = locations_and_xy[row:]

for i in keywords:
    print ([j for j in new_locations_and_xy if i in j])

[['Add', '1215', '697']]
[['to', '1241', '698']]
[['Cart', '1268', '697']]


solved How to find consecutive strings in nested lists [closed]