[Solved] How to ‘encrypt’ a file

If your goal is just to exchange the letters in a string with others that you specify, then the solution is the following:

decrypted = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' #normal alphabet
encrypted = 'MNBVCXZLKJHGFDSAPOIUYTREWQ' #your "crypted" alphabet

text="cryptme" #the string to be crypted
for letter in text:
    encrypted_text += encrypted[decrypted.find(letter)]
print encrypted_text
#will print BOWAUFC

text = encrypted_text #"BOWAUFC" in this example
for letter in text:
    decrypted_text += decrypted[encrypted.find(letter)]
print decrypted_text
#will print cryptme

Note that your “crypted alphabet” do not convert any white space or any symbols but the lowercase letters, if you have other symbols in your text you have to include them as well.

However, this is not the proper way to encrypt anything! As suggested by others already, look up for a proper encryption algorithm.


solved How to ‘encrypt’ a file