[Solved] How to download, set up and use Eclipse? [closed]

I’ll answer this just because I like to encourage the younger to learn programming, and my passion for Java 😉 I’ll try to help!

  1. What’s the best, free, easy version of Eclipse?

    All eclipse versions are good. The most simple one if you want java then go for Eclipse for Java Developers. And later when you get more experienced you can go for the Eclipse for Java EE (current links are for Eclipse Oxygen versions). A good bundle comparison can be found in this link

  2. How do I download that?

    See download links in http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/

  3. What in addition needs to be downloaded by me? (e.g. javaw.exe, Jdk, jdr or something same)

    You need a JDK, and make sure the JDK and Eclipse version have same bit. If you install a 64 bit version of Eclipse then you need a 64bit version JDK.

  4. How to download them?

    See Oracle page, http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html

  5. How do I set them up?

    It is straight forward, just install JDK and it will guide you thru. And then install the Eclipse and thats it.

  6. How do I use everything after setting all up?

    This is the tricky part! Google for Java lessons on Youtube, or Learn Java programming for kids etc.


solved How to download, set up and use Eclipse? [closed]