[Solved] How to do this xml elimination based on node attribute positions using XSLT ? [closed]

Here is one approach. You define a key to group your items you are looking to remove. I think you are grouping by the @id attribute of the element, together with the @id attribute of the two parent nodes

   match="*[@method != '']" use="concat(@id, '|', ../@id, '|', ../../@id)" />

Next, you could have a template to match your @method=’create’ items where there are two elements in the key, and the other item is a @method=’delete’

<xsl:template match="*
   [@method = 'create']
   [count(key('items', concat(@id, '|', ../@id, '|', ../../@id))) = 2]
   [key('items', concat(@id, '|', ../@id, '|', ../../@id))[@method = 'delete']]" />

You would also need a template to match the other @method=’delete’ in a similar manner.

Here is the full XSLT

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
   <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes"/>

   <xsl:key name="items" match="*[@method != '']" use="concat(@id, '|', ../@id, '|', ../../@id)" />

   <xsl:template match="*[@method = 'create'][count(key('items', concat(@id, '|', ../@id, '|', ../../@id))) = 2][key('items', concat(@id, '|', ../@id, '|', ../../@id))[@method = 'delete']]" />
   <xsl:template match="*[@method = 'delete'][count(key('items', concat(@id, '|', ../@id, '|', ../../@id))) = 2][key('items', concat(@id, '|', ../@id, '|', ../../@id))[@method = 'create']]" />

   <xsl:template match="@*|node()" name="identity">
         <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>

When applied to your sample XML, the following is output

      <nodeA id="a">
         <section id="i"/>
      <nodeA id="b">
         <cell id="ii"/>
         <cell id="ii"/>
      <nodeB id="i">
         <cell id="ii">
            <item3 id="1" method="create">
         <cell id="ii">
            <item3 id="1" method="delete"/>
            <item3 id="1" method="create">


solved How to do this xml elimination based on node attribute positions using XSLT ? [closed]