[Solved] How to Decode map golang [closed]

Once you have your map constructed, you can access a value of the map by providing the key. The syntax is:

value := myMap[myKey]

The key’s type can be any type that can be evaluated by a comparison operator ( >=, ==, <=, etc…). For your example it looks like you are using strings for keys.

Here’s an example:

m := map[string]interface{}{
    "from": 0,
    "key": nil,
    "price": "Desc",
    "title": "task",

// Get the value of price
price := m["price"]

// Get the title
title := m["title"]

// Loop through all of the map's key-value pairs
for key, value := range m {
    fmt.Println(key, ":", value)

Example in Go Playground

solved How to Decode map golang [closed]