[Solved] How to create rectangle form point x and y

class Point {
    let x: Int
    let y: Int
    init(x: Int, y: Int) {
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

class Rectangle {
    let nw: Point
    let se: Point
    init(nw: Point, se: Point) {
        self.nw = nw
        self.se = se

    func area() -> Int {
        return (se.y - nw.y) * (se.x - nw.x)

    func containsPoint(_ p: Point) -> Bool {
        let isContainHorizontal = (nw.x <= p.x) && (p.x <= se.x )
        let isContainVertical = (nw.y <= p.y) && (p.y <= se.y)
        return isContainHorizontal && isContainVertical

    func combine(_ rect: Rectangle) -> Rectangle {
        return Rectangle(nw: Point(x: max(nw.x, rect.nw.x), y: max(nw.y, rect.nw.y)), se: Point(x: min(se.x, rect.se.x), y: min(se.y, rect.se.y)))


2. 6

3. false, true

4. 1


solved How to create rectangle form point x and y