[Solved] how to create form with a drop-down list that change the other option depend on selection [duplicate]

I’m trying to find a specific solution for cakePHP but I got bullied instead of getting a good answer.
After a lot of searching I’ve found this great blog post which exactly solve my problem.

If you’re using a newer version of CakePHP. you need to use different functions JS helper instead

        array('update' => '#BooksAuthorId', 'dataExpression' => true, 'data' => '$("#BookId").serialize()')

The above code won’t generate the javaScript code. It will just cache it. you need to execute this function at the end of your view file to generate the code.

<?php echo $this->Js->writeBuffer(); ?>

solved how to create form with a drop-down list that change the other option depend on selection [duplicate]