For counting characters, you can read the characters in one-by-one (see istream::get()
), maintaining a count until you hit an end-of-sentence marker. That means something like (pseudo-code, since only classwork tends to have these bizarre limitations and you’ll learn very little if we do the work for you):
# Initial count.
set charCount to 0
# Process every character until end of sentence.
set ch to getNextChar()
while ch is not end-of-sentence:
# Each character increments the count.
add 1 to charCount
# Go get next character.
set ch to getNextChar()
At the end of that loop, you have the character count (including spaces).
Getting a word count is slightly trickier but you can do it by simply maintaining the state of the last character (state being either SPACE or NONSPACE).
A word ends when you transition from NONSPACE to SPACE. That means you can use conditional statements within that loop to increment a wordCount
variable on one of those transitions.
Just watch out for the edge case when you hit the end-of-sentence marker and the previous state was NONSPACE, that’s also a word ending.
A good start for that code for counting both characters and words would be (though it’s up to you to implement and debug):
# Initial counts and state.
set charCount to 0
set wordCount to 0
set prevState to SPACE
# Process every character until end of sentence.
set ch to getNextChar()
while ch != end-of-sentence:
# Characters are easy.
add 1 to charCount
# Get state of current character.
if ch is a space:
set currState to SPACE
set currState to NONSPACE
# Word end detected when transition NONSPACE to SPACE.
if prevState is NONSPACE and currState is SPACE:
add 1 to wordCount
# Update previous state and get next character.
set prevState to currState
set ch to getNextChar()
# Edge case, word at end of sentence.
if prevState is NONSPACE:
add 1 to wordCount
solved How to create a program that counts number of works and characters in a line in C++ WITHOUT using #include