[Solved] How to create a flag with getopts to run a command

Your script has a number of problems.

Here is the minimal list of fixes to get it working:

  • While is not a bash control statement, it’s while. Case is important.
  • Whitespace is important: if ["$CHECKMOUNT"= "true"] doesn’t work and should cause error messages. You need spaces around the brackets and around the =, like so: if [ "$CHECKMOUNT" = "true" ].
  • Your usage of getopts is incorrect, I’m guessing that you mistyped this copying an example: While getopts :d: opt should be: while getopts ":d" opt.
  • Your usage of shift is incorrect. This should cause error messages. Change this to: shift $((OPTIND-1)) if you need to shift OPTIND.
  • The bare text unknocn flag seems like a comment, precede it with #, otherwise you’ll get an error when using an unknown option.
  • There is no usage function. Define one, or change usage in your \?) case to an echo with usage instructions.

Finally, if your script only requires a single optional argument, you might also simply process it yourself instead of using getopt – the first argument to your script is stored in the special variable $1:

if [ "$1" = "-d" ]; then
elif [ "$1" != "" ]; then
    usage >&2
    exit 1


solved How to create a flag with getopts to run a command