[Solved] How to convert unequal list to nested dictionary using zip? [closed]

You can nest zips:

studentName = ["kelly","Micheal","Agatha","Chris","frank","matthew"]
subject  = ["math","phy","chem"]
math = [34,45,78,79,60,36]
phy = [57,98,67,90,56,60]
chem = [67,86,35,98,50,67]

output = {name: dict(zip(subject, scores)) for name, scores in
                                                zip(studentName, zip(math, phy, chem))}
# {'kelly': {'math': 34, 'phy': 57, 'chem': 67},
#  'Micheal': {'math': 45, 'phy': 98, 'chem': 86},
#  'Agatha': {'math': 78, 'phy': 67, 'chem': 35},
#  'Chris': {'math': 79, 'phy': 90, 'chem': 98},
#  'frank': {'math': 60, 'phy': 56, 'chem': 50},
#  'matthew': {'math': 36, 'phy': 60, 'chem': 67}}


solved How to convert unequal list to nested dictionary using zip? [closed]