I’ve added comments to the answer to explain the flow, please add more details in your question if this is not clear enough 🙂
# Open file for reading
file_house_price = open("house_price.txt", "r")
# read all lines from the file into a variable
data_house_price = file_house_price.readlines()
# as we're done with the file, we can safely close it (we have all the data in memory)
# the first line of the data is the column headers separated by comma
# so here we split that line on comma (removing the newline character as well, using replace)
# which gives us a list of strings (each column header)
key_house_price = data_house_price[0].replace("\n","").split(",")
house_price = []
# loop over all the remaining lines from the file (the [1:] gives us all lines, except the first as indexing starts at 0)
for lines in data_house_price[1:]:
# get rid of newline character and split the line on comma
lines_house_price = lines.replace("\n","").split(",")
# create a dictionary for storing data for this line
dict_house_price = dict()
# range gives as consecutive numbers from 0 to X-1
# in this case, all valid indexes for the columns of the current line
for i in range(len(lines_house_price)):
# store each column value from the line using the column header we got before as key
dict_house_price[key_house_price[i]] = lines_house_price[i]
# add this lines information to the list of data
# print collected data as output
# (pretty formatted output):
# [{'land': ''},
# {' building': ' 50',
# ' distance_to_center': ' 15',
# ' price': ' 500',
# 'land': '70'},
# {'land': ''},
# {' building': ' 60',
# ' distance_to_center': ' 30',
# ' price': ' 400',
# 'land': '70'},
# {'land': ''},
# {' building': ' 60',
# ' distance_to_center': ' 55',
# ' price': ' 300',
# 'land': '70'},
# {'land': ''},
# {' building': ' 50',
# ' distance_to_center': ' 30',
# ' price': ' 700',
# 'land': '100'},
# {'land': ''},
# {' building': ' 70',
# ' distance_to_center': ' 25',
# ' price': ' 1000',
# 'land': '100'},
# {'land': ''},
# {' building': ' 70',
# ' distance_to_center': ' 50',
# ' price': ' 650',
# 'land': '100'},
# {'land': ''},
# {' building': ' 100',
# ' distance_to_center': ' 20',
# ' price': ' 2000',
# 'land': '120'},
# {'land': ''},
# {' building': ' 80',
# ' distance_to_center': ' 50',
# ' price': ' 1200',
# 'land': '120'},
# {'land': ''},
# {' building': ' 100',
# ' distance_to_center': ' 50',
# ' price': ' 1800',
# 'land': '150'},
# {'land': ''},
# {' building': ' 90',
# ' distance_to_center': ' 15',
# ' price': ' 3000',
# 'land': '150'}]
solved How to convert txt to dictionary in python [closed]