[Solved] how to code “hello” == obj without overload the operator==? [closed]

Issue with:

template <typename T>
bool operator== (const String<T>& a, const String<T>& b )

is the deduction of T, and for "hello" == String<char>("hello"), "hello" doesn’t match const String<T>&, so that overload is discarded.

What you can do is to make it non template:

template <typename T>
class String
    // non template function.
    friend bool operator==(const String& lhs, const String& rhs)
        return UtilString<T>::Compare(a.m_buff, b.m_buff) == 0;
    // ...    


So "hello" == String<char>("hello") would consider overload (thanks to rhs)

operator==(const String<char>& lhs, const String<char>& rhs)

and would construct String<char> from "hello" as constructor is viable.

solved how to code “hello” == obj without overload the operator==? [closed]