[Solved] How to change ASCII table data? [closed]

An example using a std::map as suggested in the comments could look like this:

#include <iostream>
#include <map>

int main() {
    // a map from char (key) to int (value)
    std::map<char, int> ascii_map;

    // put the normal ASCII values in the map
    for(int ch = 0; ch <= 127; ++ch)
        ascii_map[static_cast<char>(ch)] = ch;

    // make your adjustments
    ascii_map['P'] = 888;

    // show the current map:
    for(auto [ch, val] : ascii_map) {
        std::cout << (ch >= ' ' ? ch : ' ') << '\t' << val << '\n';

    // get values from chars
    std::cout << ascii_map['O'] << '\n'; // prints 79
    std::cout << ascii_map['P'] << '\n'; // prints 888

solved How to change ASCII table data? [closed]