[Solved] How to call a function in LinQ

First of all, this code is incorrect:

List<users> userList = getUsers();

public class user
   string Name;
   string Country;
   DateTime EnrollmentDate;

List<users> should be List<user>. Next to that, the Name, Country and EnrollmentDate should be marked public in order to be accessed.

The same goes for the return type of the extract unQualifiedUsers-method (which is invalid because a method name cannot contain any spaces.

List<user> uqUserList = new List<list>(); doesn’t compile either because you are trying to make a List of list (?). List<user> uqUserList = new List<user>(); will work.

The line uList = uList.Except(uqUserList).toList(); is redundant because the .Where already does the filtering (and it is incorrect code. ToList has a capital T.

And at last, your filtering logic is incorrect. You want all the users that have been enrolled for less than 5 days.

Fixing all these issues, would result in the following code:

List<user> extractunQualifiedUsers(List<user> uList)
    return uList.Where(u => u.Country == "Canada" && WeekDayBetweenDates(u.EnrollmentDate, DateTime.Now) < 5).ToList();

public class user
    public string Name;
    public string Country;
    public DateTime EnrollmentDate;

Piece of advice: Get your code to compile first! Code that does not compile or is not complete/testable will almost invariably be received negatively here on SO. This Help Center article is a very good resource on how to write good questions.

solved How to call a function in LinQ