[Solved] how to achieve polymorphism in java [closed]

Polymorphism in simple terms

Polymorphism means “Many forms or shapes”, which is a phenomenon where objects behave differently although they are closely related. In the following example we have Cat, Dog and Wolf which are all Animal therefore are related but they perform “makesound” differently. In Java the fact that they are related is denoted by Inheritance, the behavior is denoted by a Method and this phenomenon is called Polymorphism.

Polymorphism using your example

I would declare makesound() instead of eat() since it explains it clearly:

 class Animal
     // This method will be overridden by Dog, Wolf and Cat classes.
              System.out.println("make sound");  }

 class Dog extends Animals

class Cat extends Animals

class Wolf extends Animals

class MyMain
     public static void main(String args[])
      /* This is where polymorphism happens, although A[0],A[1],A[2] are all Animals, 
         at run-time we realize that A[0] is infact dog, A[1] is cat and A[2] is wolf
         so when call makesound on these objects, the method behaves differently so the
         name polymorphism.*/ 

     Animals[] A=new Animals[3];
     A[0]=new Dog();         
     A[1]=new Cat();         
     A[2]=new Wolf();
     for(int i=0;i<3;i++)

On a sidenote before you try to understand what polymorphism, please read what method overriding is: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/override.html

solved how to achieve polymorphism in java [closed]