[Solved] How to access key values in a json files dictionaries with python

Look at the data structure that you are getting back. It’s a dictionary that contains a list of dictionaries. You can access the list using the 'results' key:

l = r.json()['results']

From there the dictionary containing the item you are after is the first item of the list, so:

d = l[0]

And the specific values can be retrieved from the dictionary:


You can simplify that to this:


Probably you will want to iterate over the list:

for d in r.json()['results']:
    print('{first_name} {last_name}: {twitter_id}'.format(**d))

which will output:

Todd Young: RepToddYoung
Joe Donnelly: SenDonnelly
Daniel Coats: SenDanCoats

solved How to access key values in a json files dictionaries with python