[Solved] How do you find something in a dictionary without knowing the name of the dictionary

// A good, more object oriented way-

struct Fruit{

    var name: String
    var cost: Double
    var nutrition: Int

let fruitsDataHolder = [
    Fruit(name: "Apple", cost: 10.0, nutrition: 5),
    Fruit(name: "Banana", cost: 15.0, nutrition: 10)

func getFruitsCost(fruits: [Fruit]) -> Double{

    var totalCost = 0.0
    for fruit in fruits{ totalCost += fruit.cost }

    return totalCost

print(getFruitsCost(fruits: fruitsDataHolder)) // prints 25.0

If you insist on doing that with dictionaries:

let fruitsDataHolder2 = [
    ["name": "Apple", "cost": 10.0, "nutrition": 5],
    ["name": "Banana", "cost": 15.0, "nutrition": 10]

func getFruitsCost2(fruits: [[String: Any]]) -> Double{

    var totalCost = 0.0

    for fruit in fruits{
        let cost = fruit["cost"] as! Double
        totalCost += cost

    return totalCost

print(getFruitsCost2(fruits: fruitsDataHolder2)) // prints 25.0

Here’s how you can get a specific fruit’s cost based on his name

For the first way-

func getFruitCost(fruitName: String, fruits: [Fruit]) -> Double?{

    // searching for the fruit
    for fruit in fruits{

        if fruit.name == fruitName{
            // found the fruit, returning his cost
            return fruit.cost
    // couldn't find that fruit
    return nil

For the second way-

func getFruitCost2(fruitName: String, fruits: [[String: Any]]) -> Double?{

    // searching for the fruit
    for fruit in fruits{
        let currentFruitName = fruit["name"] as! String

        if currentFruitName == fruitName{
            // found the fruit, returning his cost

            return fruit["cost"] as! Double

    // couldn't find that fruit
    return nil


solved How do you find something in a dictionary without knowing the name of the dictionary