[Solved] How do you Calculate Hours from the Beginning of the Year in PHP [closed]

You can just do:

$diff = date_create()->diff(new DateTime("first day of January ".date("Y")));
$hours = $diff->format("%a")*24 + $diff->h; 

As requested here’s a way to handle daylight savings:

$transitions = (new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()))->getTransitions();

$thisYearsTransitions = array_values(array_filter($transitions, function ($v) {
     return substr($v["time"],0,strlen(date("Y"))) == date("Y");
if (count($thisYearsTransitions) == 2 && date_create($thisYearsTransitions[0]) < date_create() && count($thisYearsTransitions)>0 && date_create($thisYearsTransitions[1]) > date_create()) {
    $hours = $hours + ($thisYearsTransitions[0]["offset"]-$thisYearsTransitions[1]["offset"] > 0?1:-1);

What this would do is get the DST transitions for this year and if the current date falls after the first and before the second transition it will add/subtract an hour (depending on timezone). Not sure if this would work, have not tested it, but it should.


solved How do you Calculate Hours from the Beginning of the Year in PHP [closed]