[Solved] How do I set the variable to an incoming argument in java?

First, pass Address class as parameter.

void setAddress(Address s)

Since Address in a static nested class, but you have declared Address as String in your Problem3_1 class file. So you will need to concat the values manually like

void setAddress(Address s) {
        //address = s;

        address = s.number + " , " + s.street;

This should work, if you’re creating and passing the values correctly.


    Problem3_1 a = new Problem3_1("name1",20,5);
    Problem3_1.Address a_address= new Problem3_1.Address(20,"1st street");


This should print your desired output if you have override the toString() method in outer class as well as inner class.


http://ideone.com/rS20uZ – Check here for full code and output.


solved How do I set the variable to an incoming argument in java?