[Solved] How do I replace all NA with mean in R? [duplicate]

We can use na.aggregate from zoo. Loop through the columns of dataset (assuming all the columns are numeric ), apply the na.aggregate to replace the NA with mean values (by default) and assign it back to the dataset.

df[] <- lapply(df, na.aggregate)

By default, the FUN argument of na.aggregate is mean:

Default S3 method:

na.aggregate(object, by = 1, …, FUN = mean,
na.rm = FALSE, maxgap = Inf)

To do this nondestructively:

df2 <- df
df2[] <- lapply(df2, na.aggregate)

or in one line:

df2 <- replace(df, TRUE, lapply(df, na.aggregate))

If there are non-numeric columns, do this only for the numeric columns by creating a logical index first

ok <- sapply(df, is.numeric)
df[ok] <- lapply(df[ok], na.aggregate)


solved How do I replace all NA with mean in R? [duplicate]