[Solved] How do i print out number variables in python 3? [closed]

The main problem here is that you are calling functions as they were variables

Here is your code with the functions being called correctly:

import math

print('input your height and weight to find BMI.')

num_a = int(input("feet=="))
num_b = int(input("inches=="))
num_c = int(input("weight(lbs)=="))

def weight():
    return int(num_c) * 2.2

def height():
    return (int(num_a)) * 12 + int(num_b)

def height_meters():
    return (int(height())) * 0.0254

def height_meters_sq():
    return math.sqrt(int(height_meters()))

def bmi():
    return (int(weight())) / int(height_meters_sq())

print("Your BMI is..")

The result:

input your height and weight to find BMI.
Your BMI is..

The other problem in your code, is that your functions where not returning the values. In python, the default return value from a function is None (null), so if you don’t return the value, when you print the bmi(), it will simply print None


solved How do i print out number variables in python 3? [closed]