[Solved] How do I override a parent class’s method? [closed]

If your method has the same name that the parent’s, parameters and return type, you’re overriding it.
Also you can add @Override annotation on the top of your method.

Always check parent’s method is not final nor private.

For instance

public class Parent{
  public void method(String param){
    //Do stuff

  private void notExtendable(String param){


  protected void alsoExtendable(String param){


public class SubClass extends Parent{
  public void method(String param){
    //super.method() //if you want to execute parent's method
    //Do your own stuff

You have all information you need here: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/override.html

solved How do I override a parent class’s method? [closed]