If you cannot use the len()
function you could write a function like num_characters
below that uses a for loop to iterate over the characters in the passed in string
and increments and subsequently returns a variable total
based on the total amount of characters. I think that is what you mean by an accumulator right?
def num_characters(string):
total = 0
for character in string:
total += 1
return total
original_string = "The quick brown rhino jumped over the extremely lazy fox."
print(f"The numbers of characters in the original string using `len` is {len(original_string)}.")
print(f"The numbers of characters in the original string using `num_characters` is {num_characters(original_string)}.")
The numbers of characters in the original string using `len` is 57.
The numbers of characters in the original string using `num_characters` is 57.
solved How do I count the number of characters in a code using accumulation pattern without using len()?