[Solved] How can I run an exe file without the user finding out?


If you are looking for a way to run an executable file without the user finding out, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss the various methods you can use to run an executable file without the user being aware of it. We will also discuss the pros and cons of each method and provide some tips on how to make sure the user does not find out. By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of how to run an executable file without the user finding out.


The best way to run an exe file without the user finding out is to use a process-hiding tool. These tools allow you to run the exe file in the background without the user being aware of it. Some popular process-hiding tools include Process Hacker, Process Explorer, and Process Monitor.

As @Cheers and hth. -Alf points out in the comments, you can simply make a GUI application with no window instead of a console application. Since you’re using Windows, you can change your code from:

int main()


#include <Windows.h>

You’ll need to change your linker options. You can do this by following the instructions on the answer provided (also by @Cheers and hth. -Alf) to this question:

With the Visual C++ compiler, if you’re compiling from the command line, add the options

/link /subsystem:windows /entry:mainCRTStartup

If you’re using Visual Studio, change the subsystem to windows and change the entry point to mainCRTStartup in the linker options.

For CodeBlocks, a very quick Google search revealed the following answer:

  1. Click Project on the CodeBlocks menu.
  2. Click Properties.
  3. Click the second tab, Build Targets.
  4. On the right, where it says Type: Console application, change it to GUI application.
  5. Rebuild the project.

Your application will no longer make a window.


solved How can I run an exe file without the user finding out?

If you need to run an executable file without the user finding out, there are a few options available. The first is to use a tool such as Process Explorer, which can be used to launch the executable in a hidden window. This will allow the executable to run without the user being aware of it. Another option is to use a tool such as AutoIt, which can be used to create a script that will launch the executable in a hidden window. Finally, you can use a tool such as RunAs, which can be used to launch the executable in a hidden window with a different user account. All of these options will allow you to run the executable without the user being aware of it.