[Solved] How can I reliably reset the Woocommerce user selected shipping method in the cart during testing? [closed]


When testing a Woocommerce store, it is important to ensure that the user selected shipping method is reset reliably. This is especially important when testing the checkout process, as the shipping method can affect the total cost of the order. This article will discuss how to reliably reset the Woocommerce user selected shipping method in the cart during testing. It will provide step-by-step instructions on how to reset the shipping method, as well as tips on how to ensure that the reset is successful.


The best way to reliably reset the Woocommerce user selected shipping method in the cart during testing is to use the WooCommerce REST API. This API allows you to programmatically reset the shipping method for a given cart. You can use the WooCommerce API to make a POST request to the /wc/v3/cart/shipping_methods endpoint with the desired shipping method. This will reset the shipping method for the given cart.

Have a look at the WooCommerce Shipping Class. Specifically, the reset_shipping() method.

You can reset the chosen shipping method that has been stored to the session via:

<?php unset( WC()->session->chosen_shipping_methods ); ?>

EDIT: A non-programmatic way to do this is to head to the WP Admin Dashboard and navigate to: WooCommerce --> System Status --> Tools and click “Clear all sessions” under the “Customer Sessions” section.

As the message states, this will delete all session data from the database for all customers. This includes live carts and chosen shipping methods (which, as you can see from my programmatic answer above, are included in the WooCommerce session).


solved How can I reliably reset the Woocommerce user selected shipping method in the cart during testing? [closed]

Solved: How Can I Reliably Reset the Woocommerce User Selected Shipping Method in the Cart During Testing?

If you’re testing a Woocommerce store, you may find yourself needing to reset the user selected shipping method in the cart. This can be a tricky task, as the user selected shipping method is stored in the database and can be difficult to reset. Fortunately, there is a reliable way to reset the user selected shipping method in the cart during testing.

Step 1: Clear the Cart

The first step is to clear the cart. This can be done by going to the cart page and clicking the “Clear Cart” button. This will remove all items from the cart and reset the user selected shipping method.

Step 2: Reset the Shipping Method

The next step is to reset the shipping method. This can be done by going to the “Shipping” tab in the Woocommerce settings and selecting the “Reset Shipping Method” option. This will reset the user selected shipping method to the default setting.

Step 3: Test the Cart

Once the shipping method has been reset, you can then test the cart to make sure that the user selected shipping method is reset correctly. This can be done by adding items to the cart and checking the shipping method that is selected.


Resetting the user selected shipping method in the cart during testing can be a tricky task, but it is possible. By following the steps outlined above, you can reliably reset the user selected shipping method in the cart during testing.