[Solved] How can i parse this respose to my Array of string

Optional("[\n  \"Aircel\",\n  \"Airtel\",\n  \"BSNL\",\n  \"Idea MTV\",\n  \"MTNL\",\n  \"MTS\",\n  \"Reliance CDMA\",\n  \"Reliance GSM\",\n  \"Reliance JIO\",\n  \"TATA CDMA\",\n  \"TATA DOCOMO\",\n  \"Telenor\",\n  \"Videocon\",\n  \"Vodafone\"\n]")

is the same as this, just to visualize the data a little bit better

              \"Idea MTV\",
              \"Reliance CDMA\",
              \"Reliance GSM\",
              \"Reliance JIO\",
              \"TATA CDMA\",
              \"TATA DOCOMO\",

Since the data is optional it we should check if it exists and if it does start parsing. This can be done using the following syntax:

if let a = optional_a {


where optional_a can be any optional datatype and a is nonoptional. Basically Swift checks if it is nil and if not assigns it to a.

Next for the parsing, the String class has a function called replacingOccurences(of: String!, with String!). Think of this as a find and replace all function. This can be used to remove any extraneous characters such as “\n”, “\””, “\”, “[“, “]”, and ” “. Once these are removed we need to split the string with “,” and map it into an array.

This code should work:

var optionalResponse = Optional("[\n  \"Aircel\",\n  \"Airtel\",\n  \"BSNL\",\n  \"Idea MTV\",\n  \"MTNL\",\n  \"MTS\",\n  \"Reliance CDMA\",\n  \"Reliance GSM\",\n  \"Reliance JIO\",\n  \"TATA CDMA\",\n  \"TATA DOCOMO\",\n  \"Telenor\",\n  \"Videocon\",\n  \"Vodafone\"\n]")
if var response = optionalResponse {
    let charsToRemove = ["\n", "\"", "\\", "[", "]", " "]
    for char in charsToRemove {
        response = response.replacingOccurrences(of: char, with: "")
    let fullNameArr = response.characters.split{$0 == ","}.map(String.init)



solved How can i parse this respose to my Array of string