The current minute is never an issue. You are concerned with the duration since last blocked, not with “what time was that”:
$now = new DateTime();
write_block_into_database($ip_address, $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$sql="SELECT 1 FROM sometable WHERE ip_address=? AND DATE_ADD(blocked_at, INTERVAL 1 HOURS) >= NOW()";
if(get_result($sql, $ip_address)) {
// this address is blocked
} else {
// no recent block found
Or, if you want to do the comparison in PHP:
$sql = "SELECT blocked_at FROM sometable WHERE ip_address=?";
$db_row = get_row($sql,$ip_address);
if ($db_row) {
$blocked = new DateTime($db_row->blocked_at);
$blocked->modify('+1 hour');
$now = new DateTime();
if ($blocked >= $now) {
// still blocked
} else {
// was blocked earlier, no more
} else {
// not blocked
In other words: “if I take the time the IP was blocked and add one hour, is now still before that point in time?”
- blocked at 12:48
- checking at 13:10: 12:48 + 1 hour = 13:48, 13:48 >= 13:10, fail
- checking at 15:10: 12:48 + 1 hour = 13:48, 13:48 < 15:10, pass
solved how can i make a countdown timer that goes past the 60minutes