[Solved] How Can I compare two tables?

If I understood you correctly, you want something like this.


     msdnd_oct.id as id1,
     msakl_oct.id as id2,

     msdnd_oct.sold as sold1,
     msakl_oct.sold as sold2,

     msdnd_oct.sales as sales1,
     msakl_oct.sales as sales2

     FROM msdnd_oct inner join msakl_oct ON msakl_oct.id=msdnd_oct.id"

If you want to compare total sales, or sold items you can use GROUP BY
Or If you simply want to combine to tables without joining them you can use UNION

You can execute above query in php as below

$query =  "SELECT 

         msdnd_oct.id as id1,
         msakl_oct.id as id2,

         msdnd_oct.sold as sold1,
         msakl_oct.sold as sold2,

         msdnd_oct.sales as sales1,
         msakl_oct.sales as sales2

         FROM msdnd_oct inner join msakl_oct ON msakl_oct.id=msdnd_oct.id";

 $result = mysqli_query($dbhandle,$query);

if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
    // output data of each row
    while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
        echo "id1: " . $row["id"]. " - id2: " . $row["id2"]. " <br>";
} else {
    echo "0 results";

I encourage you learn much more about connecting to Mysql, retrieving data from Mysql with PHP. Take a look at below links. Then you will get the clear idea of how to do your given task.

Learn about Php & Mysql

Learn about GROUP BY statement

Learn ab obout UNION operator


solved How Can I compare two tables?