[Solved] How can get two collection documents and calculate points using express.js?

exports.show = = function(req, res) {
    var userdata = [{
        "productcode": "9563456789",
        "cost": "1000"

    }, {
        "productcode": "8756348947",
        "cost": "5600"


    var parameterObject = [];

    Parameter.find().exec(function(err, Parameters) {
        if (err) {
            return handleError(res, err);
        // i want to push Parameters[0].value to parameterObject 
            pointvalue: Parameters[0].value

        return FindProducts(parameterObject, function(data) {

    function FindProducts(parameterObject, callback) {
        for (var i = 0; i < userdata.length; i++) {
            var totalprice = 0;
            findProduct(i, parameterObject,  function(i, price) {
                totalprice += price;
                if (i <= userdata.length) {
                    return callback({
                        "userid": "myuserid",
                        "total": totalprice

    function findProduct(i, parameterObject, callback) {
            'productcode': userdata[i].productcode
        }).exec(function(err, Products) {
            if (err) {
                return handleError(res, err);
            var point = 0;
            if (!Products) {
                point = 0;
            } else if (Products[0].product.point > 0) {
                point = Products[0].product.point;
            if (point > 0) {

                // here you can now get the value of userdata[i].cost 
                // here you can now get the value of parameterObject 
                totalprice = userdata[i].cost / parameterObject[0].pointvalue * point;

                return callback(i, totalprice);




solved How can get two collection documents and calculate points using express.js?