[Solved] Having problems creating main method [closed]

Answering the question in your comment, there are two things that you can do:

1.Call the methods at the end of your constructor. When the methods are called, the program statements contained in them will execute.

public Weather(int date) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
    // code here
    lowest(/*char array variable goes here*/);
    highest(/*char array variable goes here*/);
    // etc.

public static void main(String[] args)
    new Weather(/*int value goes here*/);

2.Make your variables global so that they can be accessed by all methods in the class.

public class Weather
    private char[] cLow;
    private char[] cHigh;

    public Weather(int date) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
        // code here
        cLow = new char[(int)dateLow.length()];
        cHigh = new char[(int)dateHigh.length()];
        // code here

    public static void main(String[] args)
        Weather weather = new Weather(/*int value goes here*/);
        weather.lowest(/*char array variable goes here*/);
        weather.highest(/*char array variable goes here*/);
        // etc.

solved Having problems creating main method [closed]