[Solved] Given two lists of strings, find the total number of strings in the second list which contains any string in the first list as substring

This is a simple way, but I get 4:

>>> sum(a in b for a in ListA for b in ListB)

Unless you want to be case-insensitive

>>> sum(a.lower() in b.lower() for a in ListA for b in ListB)

As stated, though, your question is ambiguous: this method counts how many matches there are. If you want to count how many words in ListB have a match, you could do this:

>>> len(set(b for a in ListA for b in ListB if a.lower() in b.lower()))

As an example of where it differs:

>>> ListA = ['stop', 'kill']
>>> ListB = ['stoppable', 'killable', 'stopkill']

>>> sum(a.lower() in b.lower() for a in ListA for b in ListB)
>>> len(set(b for a in ListA for b in ListB if a.lower() in b.lower()))


solved Given two lists of strings, find the total number of strings in the second list which contains any string in the first list as substring