[Solved] get all item in local storage

some small confusing parts in your example.

  1. You can use the keyname “buy user_film” but i will not recommended. Because you may have some problems with it later. (e.g. dynamic key names.)

key: buy user_film{[“”The Silence of the Lambs””,””fats and

You can have objects inside an array but not vice versa



first you stringify and step later parse to an object. that makes no sense here right now.


var value = localStorage[i];

I didn’t quite understand this part. That makes noc sense to iterate the storage by the length of the film array?
Maybe: you expect in the lcoalstorage an item with the name “The Silence of the Lambs”? than i suggest that you need condition like if(localStorage.has(film[i]))) {…}.

Noote: You mean: “fast and furious”

try this:

var obj = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("buy user_film"));
var pos = obj.length;
var i;
for(i=0;i<pos; i++){


solved get all item in local storage