[Solved] For loop misunderstanding in java

A for loop is a control statement, but you still need some operations for that statement to exercise.

The format is

for (some expression controlling the number of times to do something) {
   some commands to run.

Currently your for loop lacks the block of commands to run

In addition, the format of the controlling expression is typically shown in three parts

for (run this first; check this each time before running the block; run this after each run of the block) {
   ... commands ...

Note that the semicolons are not optional but the actual items within each place separated by the semicolons are

A typical for loop might look like

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
   System.out.println("number " + i);

Where before the loop is run, the variable i is set to zero.
Before each execution of System.out.println("number " + i); it is verified that i < 10 evaluates to true.
After each time System.out.println("number " + i); is executed, the variable i is incremented through the operation i++.

solved For loop misunderstanding in java