[Solved] for i in xrange() not running the complete script

Thanks Eric.

This line of yours:

“Presumably the second call to thr_tip.SetPoint discards whatever changes were made on the for call”

put me on the right track. This is my new script and it works perfectly:

for i in xrange(len(thr_tip_init)):

    pitch_list.append(pitch_dest[i] - thr_tip_init[i])      
    crest_list.append(crest_dest[i] - thr_tip_init[i])

    pitchM_pos = Pitch * pitch_list[i] + thr_tip_init[i]           
    crestM_pos = Crest * crest_list[i] + pitchM_pos



Thanks again.

solved for i in xrange() not running the complete script